April 23, 2020
Od 10.06.2020. do 10.07.2020. godine i dalje, do donosenja odluke Naučnog veća VLATACOM INSTITUTA DOO o predlogu za izbor u naučno zvanje, na javni uvid daje se sledeći dokument (original dokumenta je istovremeno dostupan u radno vreme u Biblioteci Instituta):
Od 10.06.2020. do 10.07.2020. godine i dalje, do donosenja odluke Naučnog veća VLATACOM INSTITUTA DOO o predlogu za izbor u naučno zvanje, na javni uvid daje se sledeći dokument (original dokumenta je istovremeno dostupan u radno vreme u Biblioteci Instituta):
VLATACOM is a professional partner for Government security in the following technical fields:
Secure information and communication technology
Critical asset protection and Border control
Applied mathematics and electronics with cryptography features
Multi sensor-integration
Image and radio waves intelligent signal processing (with implementation in identity management and surveillance devices and targeted systems)
VLATACOM is the leading Serbian manufacturer and system integrator in these fields recognized world-wide.
First certified as a Research and Development Center by Serbia’s Ministry of Science in 2011, VLATACOM has become in 2015 the first private Research and Development Institute in the field of ICT in Serbia. By the work of its own hardware and software development, research, and system integration teams, we have a huge advantage in capability of tailoring solutions to fit the requirements and budget of every customer. Approximately 25% of the gross income VLATACOM Institute invests every year in its own R&D activities, alongside with constant investing in education and improvement of its human capital.
More than 150 of our highly educated employees and experts, including 4 university professors and 15 PhDs, ensure top quality services and complete satisfaction of our clients by developing innovative and highly secure solutions for every customer. VLATACOM Institute works closely together with national and international security and defense authorities and develops products specially based on the application requirements of our customers. Professional consulting and analytics, product demonstrations and tests are part of our services as well as technical support and training.
In a business based on trust and confidentiality, VLATACOM Institute offers fast response, complete knowledge transfer with reliable supply and system maintenance world-wide.
The product line includes:
e-ID solutions and systems
Biometric identification systems with many varieties of biometric document scanners
Traffic control and management
Safe city solutions and systems
ANPR solutions and systems
Multi-sensor imaging systems
Over-the-Horizon Radar
ICT security
Specialized devices with integrated high-level cryptography features and other special purpose products and systems.
We did the installation and long-term partnership for the maintenance of the automated biometric identity system, different type of digital radio and fiber-optic networks, systems for issuing of different types of electronic ID documents, violation detection systems and secured ICT systems based on Public Key Infrastructure etc. on both national and international levels.
VLATACOM Institute is always expanding its market reach and currently has long-lasting business relationships and numerous projects in many countries in Southeastern Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America.
VLATACOM Institute also participates in the most esteemed exhibitions, trade fairs, and conferences world-wide within its scope of operations. Furthermore, research projects carried out by our engineers have resulted in a number of registered patents and scientific papers being published by some of the top international journals.
VLATACOM Institute headquarters in Belgrade is the central point for different additional activities. From the various countries in which VLATACOM Institute has been recognized many business associates and post-graduate students, have a possibility to do various researches and studies about prime technologies and related technical sciences. Many different workshops and professional trainings have been permanently organized.
So, our strategic commitment is knowledge spreading. With its own e-learning system VLATACOM Institute is capable to enable remote learning from even the most distant countries.
In all the countries in which VLATACOM has active projects, local representative branch office is established. The main operational objective is to be always present and to give full support on site, independently or in cooperation with the local partners. Also, VLATACOM help-desk is 24/7 remote support system, for various questions and technical support issues.
VLATACOM Institute's systems are certified on a regular basis:
QMS – System quality control of business, development and manufacturing processes according with the currently valid ISO 9001 since 2006,
Information Security Management System according with the currently valid ISO 27001 standard since 2012,
IT - Service Management System according with the currently valid ISO 20000-1 since 2014
Environmental Management System according with the currently valid ISO 14001 since 2016.
Finally, VLATACOM Institute permanently helps our clients to find, understand and use various products (devices and systems) and thereby increases their competitiveness in the area of national public safety by:
making right decisions on time
eliminating unnecessary costs
uncovering new opportunities
limiting potential risks
protecting of security assets and intellectual properties
minimizing the possibility of cross-border and internal terrorism