April 23, 2020
Od 10.06.2020. do 10.07.2020. godine i dalje, do donosenja odluke Naučnog veća VLATACOM INSTITUTA DOO o predlogu za izbor u naučno zvanje, na javni uvid daje se sledeći dokument (original dokumenta je istovremeno dostupan u radno vreme u Biblioteci Instituta):
Od 10.06.2020. do 10.07.2020. godine i dalje, do donosenja odluke Naučnog veća VLATACOM INSTITUTA DOO o predlogu za izbor u naučno zvanje, na javni uvid daje se sledeći dokument (original dokumenta je istovremeno dostupan u radno vreme u Biblioteci Instituta):
vMSIS3 is a monitoring and surveillance system that integrates various standard or high definition imaging sensors and provides medium to long range object detection, recognition and identification based on various sensors, optics and image processing. The system utilizes a pan/tilt platform with gyro stabilization and works it in a large temperature range. Remote control and monitoring allow for the system parameters to be changed and monitored from a command center. Optional features for certain models include: video stabilization, image enhancement, video tracking, motion detection algorithms, mapping toolkit, eye-safe laser rangefinder, digital magnetic compass and, GPS.
vMSIS 3 USD-C2500-T

Vlatacom Multi Sensor Imaging System 3 - Uncooled Standard Definition
The system comprises of a cooled MWIR high definition thermal imager, a color low light day/night high definition imager, and an optional SWIR imager. Each system has ultra-long range optics and hybrid real-time image stabilization.
vMSIS 3 CHD-1200-T

Vlatacom Multi Sensor Imaging System 3 - Cooled High Definition
The system comprises of a cooled MWIR high definition thermal imager, a color low light day/night high definition imager, and an optional SWIR imager. Each system has ultra-long range optics and hybrid real-time image stabilization.

vMSIS 3 CHD-1200-U
vMSIS3-CHD-1200-U - Vlatacom Multi Sensor Imaging System 3 - Cooled High Definition
The system comprises a cooled MWIR high definition thermal imager, a color low light day/night high definition imager, and an optional SWIR imager, each of them with ultra-long range optics and a system hybrid real-time image stabilization. The system utilizes a pan/tilt platform with gyro stabilization and works in high temperature range.

vMSIS3-CHD10-C1000-T - Vlatacom Multi Sensor Imaging System 3 - Cooled High Definition 10μm
The EO/IR system comprises a cooled 10 um pitch MWIR high definition thermal imager, a color low light high definition imager, a laser rangefinder, and an optional SWIR imager. The system has ultra-long range optics and hybrid real-time image stabilization.
vMSIS 3 CSD-C825-T

Vlatacom Multi Sensor Imaging System 3 - Cooled Standard Definition
The system consists of a cooled MWIR standard definition thermal imager, a color low light day/night high definition imager, and an optional SWIR imager. Each of them employs long range optics and a real-time image stabilization system. The vMSIS3-CSD-C825-T utilizes a pan/tilt platform with gyro-stabilization
vMSIS 3 CSD-C330-T

Vlatacom Multi Sensor Imaging System 3
The system has a color low light camera, MWIR thermal imager, laser rangefinder, GPS receiver and digital magnetic compass. vMSIS3-CSD-C330-T is installed either on telescopic mast (which enables sensor to be raised to a required height above the vehicle) or a fixed tower.
vMSIS 3 USD-C225-T

Vlatacom Multi Sensor Imaging System 3 - Uncooled Standard Definition
The system comprises of an uncooled LWIR standard definition thermal imager, a color low light standard definition imager, and an optional SWIR imager. The system also utilizes a pan/tilt platform with gyro stabilization and works it in a large temperature range, it is suited for most stationary and mobile installations.