April 23, 2020
Od 10.06.2020. do 10.07.2020. godine i dalje, do donosenja odluke Naučnog veća VLATACOM INSTITUTA DOO o predlogu za izbor u naučno zvanje, na javni uvid daje se sledeći dokument (original dokumenta je istovremeno dostupan u radno vreme u Biblioteci Instituta):
Od 10.06.2020. do 10.07.2020. godine i dalje, do donosenja odluke Naučnog veća VLATACOM INSTITUTA DOO o predlogu za izbor u naučno zvanje, na javni uvid daje se sledeći dokument (original dokumenta je istovremeno dostupan u radno vreme u Biblioteci Instituta):
Ministry of Defense
Ministry of Interior
Ministry of Justice
Ministry of Foriegn Affairs
Advanced Integrated Systems LL
AGT Group GmbH
Al Fahad Commun.and Netw.Syst.
Ayalon Network Solutions Ltd
Comnet - Informática e Tele.
Conops Ventures SA
CTI Products Limited
Dark Matter
Egyptian Armament Authority
EL-Al, Israeli Airlines Ltd
Ericsson AB
Erusnet S.R.L.
Etimad Strategic Security
High Seas Shipping
Hytera Mobilfunk GmbH
Imperial Network Ltd.
Its Iskratel Telecom.Systems
Motorola Solutions Israel Ltd.
Muhlbauer AG
Network 1 d.o.o.
Parklend Group Dooel
R.T.Com Limited
Republic of Angola
Republic of Botswana
Republic of Suriname
Seychelles People Defen.Forces
Tamir Zabary Ltd
The Government of Uganda
Transas Marine Limited
Vlatacom Limited Nigeria