April 23, 2020
Od 10.06.2020. do 10.07.2020. godine i dalje, do donosenja odluke Naučnog veća VLATACOM INSTITUTA DOO o predlogu za izbor u naučno zvanje, na javni uvid daje se sledeći dokument (original dokumenta je istovremeno dostupan u radno vreme u Biblioteci Instituta):
Od 10.06.2020. do 10.07.2020. godine i dalje, do donosenja odluke Naučnog veća VLATACOM INSTITUTA DOO o predlogu za izbor u naučno zvanje, na javni uvid daje se sledeći dokument (original dokumenta je istovremeno dostupan u radno vreme u Biblioteci Instituta):
July 1, 2019
Vlatacom's project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 868390
B-Lock is a patented disruptive Physical Access Control System (PACS) that uses uncopiable hardware keys based on unique and irreproducible butterfly scales (1 butterfly provides 200,000 unique keys). The uncopiable B-Lock key based on butterfly scales provides high-security, at Facility Security Level 5, is integral, as it comprises of all hardware components (lock, key, reader, control unit) and software (logging, tracking) and is adaptable, satisfying different geographical and technological levels of security. The B-Lock technology is protected by 3 PCT patents from 2015, meets market demand for FSL 5.
“This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 868390”.