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Papers published in 2023.

I Journal papers

Vujić, S., Perić, D., Livada, B., Radisavljević, M. and Domazet, D. (2023), „Optical Protective Window Design and Material Selection Issues in the Multi-Sensor Electro-Optical Surveillance Systems”, Sensors 2023.

Radomirović, J., Milosavljević, M., Banjac, Z. and Jovanović, M. (2023), „Secret Key Distillation with Speech Input and Deep Neural Network-Controlled Privacy Amplification.”, Mathematics 2023.

Milosav, P., Milosavljević, M. and Banjac, Z. (2023) “Steganographic Method in Selected Areas of the Stego-Carrier in the Spatial Domain.”, Symmetry 2023.

Ćiprovski, D., Makarov, A. and Vučetić M. (2023), “Efficiency of Vehicle Actuated traffic control on isolated intersection”, International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computing, 2023.

Pavlović M., Banjac Z. and Kovačević B. (2023), “Approximate Kalman Filtering by Both M‑robustified Dynamic Stochastic Approximation and Statistical Linearization Methods," EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2023.

Pavlović M., Banjac Z. and Kovačević B. (2023), “Object Tracking in SWIR Imaging Based on Both Correlation and Robust Kalman Filters," IEEE Access, 2023.

Nikolic D., Stojkovic N., Puzovic S., Popovic Z., Stojiljkovic N., Grbic N., Orlic V., (2023) “Increasing Maritime Safety and Security in the Off-Shore Activities with HFSWRs as Primary Sensors for Risk Assessment”, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2023.

Lutovac-Banduka, M., Simović, A., Orlić, V. and Stevanović, A. (2023), “Dissipation Minimization of Two-stage Amplifier using Deep Learning”, Serbian zournal of electrical engineering, June 2023.

Janjić M., Vukmirović N. Erić M. Djurić M.P (2023), “Over-the-Air Synchronization of Time, Phase and Frequency in a Distributed Receiving System“, IEEE Access, 2023.

Ilić, N., Dašić, D., Vučetić, M., Makarov, A. and Petrović, R. (2023), “Distributed  Web Hacking by Adaptive Consensus-based Reinforcement Learning”, Artificial Intelligence.

Cizelj, D., Unkašević, T. And Banjac, Z. (2023), “eHealthcare system data privacy concept based on Blockchain technology”, Vojnotehnički Glasnik / Military Technical Courier, 2023.

Vesovic, R., Milosavljevic, M., Punt, M., Radomirovic, J., Bascarevic, S., Savic, M., Milenkovic, V., Popovic, M. and Ercegovac, M. (2023), "The role of the diaphragm in prediction of respiratory function in the immediate postoperative period in lung cancer patients using a machine learning model", World J Surg Onc 21,(2023).


II Conference papers


Vujić, S., Livada, B., Perić, D., Radisavljević, M. and Milićević, V. (2023), “Long Range Multisensor Imaging Systems - Procedure For Selecting MSIS Components Based on Simplified Performance Model", 22nd International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA, 15 - 17. March, Jahorina, RS, BiH, 2023.

Živković M. and Nijemčević S. (2023), “Fuze vAF-M17 Field Test Software for vAFRSW”, 22nd International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA, 15 – 17. March, Jahorina, RS, BiH, 2023.

Drinčević V., Milićević V. and Nijemčević S. (2023), “Primer Sensitivity Test Box”, 22nd International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA, 15 – 17. March, Jahorina, RS, BiH, 2023.

Ćiprovski D., and Makarov A., (2023), “Traffic modelling and control based on different simulation strategies”, 22nd International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA, 15 – 17. March, Jahorina, RS, BiH, 2023.

Radisavljević, M., Vujić, S., Perić, M., Košanin, N., Stanković, M., Vulović, Đ. and Livada, B., (2023), „Two axis gimbal system design analysis - Simplified model supporting system components selection for use in MSIS systems”, 22nd International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA, 15 - 17. March, Jahorina, RS, BiH, 2023.

Deura, N., Latinović, N., and Petronijević, P., (2023), „ Proximity Sensor vPS-M23 Functional Demo Software”, 22nd International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA, 15 - 17. March, Jahorina, RS, BiH, 2023.

Livada, B., Vujić, S., and Radisavljević, M., (2023), „LED backlight lifetime: Key influencing factors and experimental results”, 22nd International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA, 15 - 17. March, Jahorina, RS, BiH, 2023.

Simić, A., Vukasović, B., Popadić, I., Perić, M. and Perić, D., (2023), “Real-Time Video Fusion Implemented In GStreamer Framework”, 22nd International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA, 15 - 17. March, Jahorina, RS, BiH, 2023.

Minarikova, E., Vučetić, M. and Hudec, M. (2023), “The synergy of Linear Regression, Fuzzy Functional Dependencies and Linguistic Summaries: A Case of Heat Islands in Bratislava”, 29th International Conference On Information, Communication and Automation Technologies 11-14th June 2023, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Golubović, D.; Vukmirović, N.; Erić, M.; Simić-Pejović, M. (2023), “Method for Noise Subspace Determination in HFSWR’s High-Resolution Range-Doppler Map Estimation”, Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering (IcETRAN 2023), East Sarajevo, B&H, june 5-8 2023.

Cizelj, D., Pavlović, M., Unkašević, T. and Banjac, Z. (2023), “Automated Target Tracking Activation Based on Motion Detection,” Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering (IcETRAN 2023), East Sarajevo, B&H, June 5-8 2023.

Cizelj, D., Unkašević, T. and Banjac, Z. (2023), “eHealthcare Security Concept Based on PKI and Blockchain Technology”, Proc. of the International Scientific Conference on Information Technology and Data Related Research, Sinteza 2023, 25 Jun 2023.

Marković, M., Marković, G. and Koprivica, M. (2023), “A review paper on IoT solutions for outdoor environmental monitoring”, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology (COAST 2023), May 31 – June 03 2023, Herceg Novi, Montenegro.

Marković, M., Nešković, Đ., Kašca, L., Marković, G. and Drajić, D. (2023), “A PM2.5 Concentration Prediction in High-Cost and Low-Cost Wireless Sensor Networks Using Neural Networks”, Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Systems and Services in Telecommunications (TELSIKS 2023), October 25–27 2023, Niš, Serbia.

Maljevic, A. and Ignjatovic, M. (2023), “INFLUENCE OF LAMINATE STACKING AND FIBER VOLUME FRACTION ON NATURAL FREQUENCIES OF COMPOSITE ARAMID 49 – 3501 – 6 EPOXY PLATES”, Proceedings of 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference on Applied Technologies (POLITEHNIKA 2023), December 15 2023, Belgrade, Serbia.

Čavor, I., Vlahović, N. and Popović - Bugarin Vesna, (2023), " Machine Learning Methods for Outlier Detection in Air Pollution Time Series Data" 3rd Kotor International Maritime Conference 2023., Kotor, November 2023.

Grbić, N., Petrović, P., Lekić, N., Perić, M. and Savić, S., (2023), "Radar Cross Section for a Ship with Masts in the High-Frequency Band", 31th Telecommunications forum TELFOR 2023, November 21-22 2023, Belgrade, Serbia.

Petrović, P., Grbić, N., Lekić, N., Perić, M. and Savić, S., (2023), "Aircraft Detection Range for HF Radar" 31th Telecommunications forum TELFOR 2023, November 21-22 2023, Belgrade, Serbia.

N. Stanojević, A. Demić, N. Vuković, D. Inđin, J. Radovanović, (2023), “Impact of Band Nonparabolicity and Interface Broadening effects on Electronic Structure and Rabi-Coupling Frequency in THz Quantum Cascade Lasers”, Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering (IcETRAN 2023), East Sarajevo, B&H, june 5-8 2023.

N. Stanojević, A. Demić, N. Vuković, D. Indjin, J. Radovanović, (2023), “Dependence of Transport Parameters on Interface Composition Diffusion and Doping Segregation in Longitudinal Optical Phonon, Bound to Continuum and Hybrid THz Quantum Cascade Laser Designs”, IX International School and Conference on Photonics, Book of Abstracts pp. 99, August 28 – September 01, 2023, Belgrade, Serbia; Section Devices and components.


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