April 23, 2020
Od 10.06.2020. do 10.07.2020. godine i dalje, do donosenja odluke Naučnog veća VLATACOM INSTITUTA DOO o predlogu za izbor u naučno zvanje, na javni uvid daje se sledeći dokument (original dokumenta je istovremeno dostupan u radno vreme u Biblioteci Instituta):
Od 10.06.2020. do 10.07.2020. godine i dalje, do donosenja odluke Naučnog veća VLATACOM INSTITUTA DOO o predlogu za izbor u naučno zvanje, na javni uvid daje se sledeći dokument (original dokumenta je istovremeno dostupan u radno vreme u Biblioteci Instituta):
Naučne publikacije u 2015.
I Članci u časopisima
Božilović, B., Todorović, B.M. and Obradović, M. (2015).“Text–Independent Speaker Recognition Using Two–Dimensional Information Entropy”, Journal of Electrical Engineering – Elektrotechnický časopis, 66(3), 169–173.
Hudec, M. and Vučetić, M. (2015). “Some Issues of Fuzzy Querying In Relational Databases“, Kybernetika, 51(6), 994-1022.
Anastasijević, A., Čoja, D., Nešković, N., Nešković, A. And Budimir, Dj. (2015), “Joint power amplifier and I/Q modulator impairments modelling and compensation for LTE transmitters using artificial neural networks”, International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEÜ), 69(2), 529-538.
Valjarević, A. and Venter, H. (2015), "Introduction of Concurrent Processes into the Digital Forensic Investigation Process", Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 0045-0618.
Valjarević, A. and Venter, H. (2015), "A Comprehensive and Harmonized Digital Forensic Investigation Process Model", Journal of Forensic Sciences, 60(6), 1467-1483.
II Radovi na naučnim konferencijama
Anastasijević, A.,Nešković, N., Nešković, A., Čoja, D., and Budimir, Dj. (2015). “Modelling and Compensation of Power Amplifier Distortion for LTE Signals using Artificial Neural Networks”, Proc. of 14. Symposium INFOTEH, Jahorina, 18 – 20 March, 329-333.
Mitić, I., Božilović, B. i Todorović, B. (2015). “Upoređenje dvodimenzionalne entropije i Mel-kepstralnih koeficijenata kao metoda za prepoznavanje govornika”, Zbornik radova 59. Konferencije za ETRAN, Srebrnojezero, 8 – 11 jun, AU1.2.1-6.
Stanković, M., Stanković, S. andJohansson, K.H. (2015). “Distributed Blind Calibration of Sensor Networks: an Asynchronous Algorithm”, Proc. of 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering IcETRAN, Silver Lake (Serbia), 8 – 11 June, AUI1.4.1-6.
Trifunović, M., Solar Nikolić, D., Milićević, P., Latinović, N., Milojević, I. and Perić, M. (2015). “Laboratory Environment for Verification of Protected Multi-Gigabit Transmission Systems”, Proc. of IEEE AFRICON Conference, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), 14 – 17 September, 171-175.
Perić, M., Milićević, P., Banjac, Z. and Todorović, B.M. (2015).“An Experiment with Real-Time Data Transmission over Global Scale Mobile Voice Channel”, Proc. of IEEE 12th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcast Services (IEEE TELSIKS ‘15), Niš (Serbia), 14 – 17 October, 239-242.
Perić, D. and Perić, M. (2015). “Optimization of E-band IP Networks”, Proc. of IEEE 12th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcast Services (IEEE TELSIKS ‘15), Niš (Serbia), 14 – 17 October, 243-250.
Lekić, N., Nikolić, D., Milanović, B., Vučićević, D., Valjarević, A. and Todorović, B.M. (2015). “Impactof Radar CrossSection on HF Radar Surveillance Area: Simulation Approach”, Proc. of IEEE Radar Conference, Johannesburg (South Africa), 27 – 30 October, 369-373.
Stojanović, B., Nešković, A. and Marques, O. (2015). “Fingerprint ROI Segmentation Using Fourier Coefficients and Neural Networks”, Proc. of 23rd Telecommunications forum (TELFOR), Belgrade (Serbia), 24-26 November, 484-487.
Vučetić, M. and Hudec, M. (2015). “A Relational Database Role in Handling Fuzziness of Real World”,Proc. of 23rd Telecommunications forum (TELFOR), Belgrade (Serbia), 24-26 November, 894-897.
Lukić, V., Makarov, A., Tao, G. and Choubey, B. (2015). “Vehicle Speed Estimation from Tracking License Plates”, Proc. of 23rd Telecommunications forum (TELFOR), Belgrade (Serbia), 24-26 November, 429-432.
Unkašević, T., Perić, M. i Banjac, Z. (2015), “O osetljivosti kriptografskih sistema”, Proc. of 23rd Telecommunications forum (TELFOR), Belgrade (Serbia), 24-26 November, 110-113.