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Naučne publikacije u 2016.

I  Članci u časopisima

Perić, M., Perić, D., Todorović, B.M. and Popović, M. (2016), "Dynamic Rain Attenuation Model for Millimeter Wave Networks Analysis", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 15(10).

Stojanović, B., Marques, O. and Nešković, A. (2016), "Latent Overlapped Fingerprint Separation: A Review", Mutimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, 75(28).

Stojanović, B., Nešković, A. and Marques, O. (2016), "A Novel Neural Network based Approach to Latent Overlapped Fingerprints Separation", Mutimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, 75(25).

Popadić, I., Todorović, B.M., and Reljin I.S. (2016), "Method for HDR-like imaging using Industrial Digital Cameras", Mutimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, 75(17).

Stanković, M.S., Ilić, N. and Stanković, S.S. (2016), “Distributed Stochastic Approximation: Weak Convergence and Network Design”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 61(12), 4069-4074.

Nijemčević, S., Tasić, M.M., Livada, B., Perić, D. and Tasić, M.M. (2016),  "Thermal management evaluation of the complex electro-optical system", Thermal Science, 20(11).

Todorović, B.M. and Samardžija, D. (2016), „Road Lighting Energy-Saving System Based on Wireless Sensor Network“, Energy Efficiency, Springer, 9(11).

Stanković, M.S, Stanković, S.S., Johansson, K.H. (2016), „Asynchronous Distributed Blind Calibration of Sensor Networks under Noisy Measurements”,  IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 2325-5870.

Frantlović, M., Jokić, I., Lazić, Ž., Smiljanić, M., Obradov, M., Vukelić, B., Jakšić, Z. and Stanković, S. (2016).“A Method Enabling Simultaneous Pressure and Temperature Measurement Using a Single Piezoresistive MEMS Pressure Sensor”, Measurement Science and Technology, 27(12).

Perić, D. andPerić, M. (2016).“Low Power Consumption Digital Clock Recovery Circuit Based on Threshold Crossing”, Journal of Electrical Engineering – Elektrotechnicky Casopis, 67(6), 433-438.

Makarov, A., Lukić, V. and Choubey, B. (2016).“Real-Time Vehicle Speed Estimation Based on License Plate Tracking in Monocular Video Sequences”, Sensors & Transducers, 197(2), 78-86.

Stanković, Miloš S., Stanković, SrdjanS.and Johansson, KarlHenrik (2016).“A Consensus-Based Distributed Calibration Algorithm for Sensor Networks”,Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering,13(1),111-132.

II  Radovi na naučnim konferencijama

Hudec, M. and Vučetić, M. (2016). “Conformance and Aggregations for Recommending Suitable Entities”, Proc. of 13th International conference of Fuzzy Set Theory and Application, Lipotvsky Jan (Slovakia), January 24-29.

Stanković, M.S., Stanković, S.S. and Johansson, K.H. (2016), “Distributed Drift Estimation for Time Synchronization in Lossy Networks”, Proc. of IEEE 24th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Athens (Greece), June 21-24, 779-784.

Коцић, Ј., Радисављевић, М., Вујић, С. и Попадић, И. (2016). “Компаративна анализа квалитета слике камера високе осетљивости у условима слабог осветљења”, Зборник радова 60. конференције за електронику, телекомуникације, рачунарство, аутоматику и нуклеарну технику ЕТРАН, Златибор, Јуни 13–16, EK2.1.1-6.

Nikolić, D., Stojković, N., Lekić, N., Orlić, V. and Todorović, B.M. (2016).“Integration of AIS Data and HF-OTHR Tracks in Unfavourable Environment at OTH Distances”, Proc. of 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering IcETRAN, Zlatibor, June 13–16, TEI2.1.1-4

Todorović, R., Dašić, D. and Obradović, M. (2016) “Hybrid Power Supply System for Telecommunications Sites”, Proc. of 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering IcETRAN, Zlatibor, June 13–16, TEI2.4.1-4.

Tošić, N., Džolić, B., Nikolić, D., Lekić, N. iTodorović, B.M. (2016). “Izazovi pri projektovanju HF SW radara”, Зборник радова 60. Kонференције за електронику, телекомуникације, рачунарство, аутоматику и нуклеарну технику ЕТРАН, Zlatibor, Juni 13–16, TE2.1.1-5.

Popadić, I., Todorović, B.M. i Kocić, J. (2016). “Algoritam za procenu kvalitetaekspozicije slike”, Зборник радова 60. Kонференције за електронику, телекомуникације, рачунарство, аутоматику и нуклеарну технику ЕТРАН,Златибор, Јуни 13–16, TE1.7.1-6.

Stanković, S.S., Ilić, N., Al Ali, K.O. and Stanković, M.S. (2016), “Distributed Consensus Based IPDAF for Tracking in Vision Networks”, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI 2016), Baden-Baden (Germany), Sep. 19-21, 304-309.

Ilić, N., Al Ali, K.O., Stanković, M. and Stanković, S. (2016).“Adaptive Consensus Based Distributed Target Tracking in Camera Networks”, Proc. of 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering IcETRAN, Zlatibor, June 13–16, AUI4.2.1-6.

Radenković, M., Stanković, M. and Stanković, S. (2016).“Stochastic Perturbation-Demodulation Based Extremum Seeking: Almost Sure Convergence Using Adaptive Step Size”, Proc. of 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering IcETRAN, Zlatibor, June 13–16, AUI4.3.1-6.

Božilović, B. i Todorović, B.M. (2016). “Uticaj brzine uzorkovanja na dvodimenzionalnu entropiju za prepoznavanje govornika”, Зборник радова 60. Kонференције за електронику, телекомуникације, рачунарство, аутоматику и нуклеарну технику ЕТРАН, Златибор, Јуни 13–16, AU1.5.1-5.

Nikolić, D., Popović, Z., Borenović, M., Stojković, N., Orlić, V., Dzvonkovskaya, A. and Todorović, B.M. (2016).“Multi-Radar Multi-Target Tracking Algorithm for Maritime Surveillance at OTH Distances”, Proc. of IEEE 17th International Radar Symposium, Krakow (Poland), May 10-12, 1-6.

Makarov, A., Lukić, V. and Rahnama, O. (2016).“Distance and Speed Measurements from Monocular Images”, Proc. of SPIE Real-Time Image and Video Processing Conference,Volume 9897, Brussels (Belgium), April 29.

Nikolić, D., Džolić, B., Tošić, N., Lekić, N., Orlić, V.D. and Todorović, B.M. (2016).“HFSW Radar Design: Tactical, Technological and Environmental Challenges”, Proc. of 7th International Scientific Conference on Defensive Technologies (OTEH 2016), Belgrade, October 6-7, 350-355.

Livada, B. and Perić, D. (2016).“Imaging Detector Technology: A Short Insight in History and Future Possibilities”, Proc. of 7th International Scientific Conference on Defensive Technologies (OTEH 2016), Belgrade, October 6-7, 385-390.

Kocić, J., Popadić, I. and Livada, B. (2016).“Image Quality Parameters: A Short Review and Applicability Analysis”, Proc. of 7th International Scientific Conference on Defensive Technologies (OTEH 2016), Belgrade, October 6-7, 391-397.

Perić, D., B., Vujić, S. and Livada, B. (2016).“Multi-Sensor System Operator’s Console: Towards Structural and Functional Optimization”, Proc. of 7th International Scientific Conference on Defensive Technologies (OTEH 2016), Belgrade, October 6-7, 398-403.

Ilić, N., Al Ali, K.O., Stanković, M.S. and Stanković, S.S. (2016). Distributed Target Tracking in Camera Networks Using an Adaptive Strategy”,   Proc. of 7th International Scientific Conference on Defensive Technologies (OTEH 2016), Belgrade, October 6-7, 422-427.  

Džolić, B., Nikolić, D., Tošić, N., Lekić, N., Orlić, V.D. and Todorović, B.M.  (2016).“System for Remote Monitoring and Control of HF-OTH Radar”, Proc. of 7th International Scientific Conference on Defensive Technologies (OTEH 2016), Belgrade, October 6-7, 710-714.

Popadić, I. and Todorović, B.M. (2016).“Image fusion based on the multi-exposed images”, Proc. of IEEE 24th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR 2016), Belgrade, November 22-23, 739-742.

Valjarević, A., Venter, H. and Petrović, R. (2016).“ISO/IEC 27043:2015 – Role and application”, Proc. of IEEE 24th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR 2016), Belgrade, November 22-23, pp. 45-48.

Stojanović, B., Marques, O., Nešković, A. and Puzović, S. (2016).“Fingerprint ROI Segmentation Based on Deep Learning”, Proc. of IEEE 24th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR 2016), Belgrade, November 22-23, 368-371.

Solar-Nikolić, D., Trifunović, M., Milićević, P., Milosav, P. and Perić, M. (2016), “Methodology for Used Cryptographic Key Verification in Multi Gbit/s Encryption Systems”, Proc. of IEEE 24th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR 2016), Belgrade, November 22-23,262-265.

Stojković, N., Nikolić, D., Džolić, B., Tošić, N., Orlić, V., Lekić, N. and Todorović, B.M. (2016), “An Implementation of Tracking Algorithm for Over-The-Horizon Surface Wave Radar”, Proc. of IEEE 24th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR 2016), Belgrade, November 22-23, 459-462.

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